发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-20 16:26
热心网友 时间:2023-08-10 23:48
1、Two men hijacked the airplane.两个人劫持了那架飞机。
2、The men were intent on hijacking the airplane.那些人抱定决心要劫持飞机。
3、She was abcted by a dangerous psychopath.她被一名危险的精神*者劫持了。
4、War crimes were widespread: torture, pillage, destruction, gang rape, abction and murder of women, men and children.战争犯罪很广泛:酷刑、掠夺、破坏、轮奸、劫持和杀害妇女、男人与儿童。
5、jarrah is believed to be one of the suspects who hijacked the flight 93 that crashed in Pennsylvania.贾拉据信乃劫持九十三号班机,坠毁宾夕法尼亚州的劫机嫌犯之一。